Topic Research

Source: Internet Archive

Ba the Buffalo-herd
Most of these stories have a pretty sad ending, and this one is also sad, but sweet at the same time. It speaks about how evilness will be put down in the end.

The Pearl
This is a more romantic story (as romantic is Vietnamese stories get) that also speaks to how evilness will not triumph in the end.

The Genie of Tan-Vien
This is a shorter story, and it speaks to how sacrifice is necessary to accomplish your goals and dreams. The two stories above can also be seen as sacrificial stories but lesser so.

These stories remind me of my mother's teachings when I was growing up. She spoke to me about sacrifice and doing what is good. Even though things may be bad, evil cannot win in the end, she says.

I'm not quite sure what theme I'm going for in my storybook yet, but working with the night sky sounds interesting.
Night Sky (Pixabay)
